1st & 2nd Thessalonians
Teacher: Dan Strom & Brian Coffey / Ministry Focus: Anyone
As we look at this letter from Paul and his travelling companions we’ll see their heart for the believers they had left in Thessalonica. The class will not only explore historical events and theological teachings, but we will see how the recipients are being encouraged to maintain a faithful walk with Jesus...and how we can be
encouraged also!
As we look at this letter from Paul and his travelling companions we’ll see their heart for the believers they had left in Thessalonica. The class will not only explore historical events and theological teachings, but we will see how the recipients are being encouraged to maintain a faithful walk with Jesus...and how we can be
encouraged also!
Teacher: Alan Gerling & John Keller / Ministry Focus: Anyone
1 Peter 3:15 tells Christians to be “ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason fo the hope that is in you.” From the greek work translated “defense,” apologia, we get the discipline of Apologetics. Join us as we explore common questions and objections to the Christian faith as we encourage one another in Christ and His Gospel.
1 Peter 3:15 tells Christians to be “ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason fo the hope that is in you.” From the greek work translated “defense,” apologia, we get the discipline of Apologetics. Join us as we explore common questions and objections to the Christian faith as we encourage one another in Christ and His Gospel.
Mark’s Gospel: Christ as Servant
Teacher: Bill Bockus / Ministry Focus: Berean (Senior Saints) Class
This class uses a discussion format to study the Bible. We answer prepared questions about the verses being studied to bring out “additional insights” and “personal applications.”
This class uses a discussion format to study the Bible. We answer prepared questions about the verses being studied to bring out “additional insights” and “personal applications.”
Psalms: Story of the Great King
Ministry Focus: College & Young Professionals
Did you know that the book of Psalms is not just a random collection of poetry? There is order and intentional thought in the structure of the Psalms. Furthermore, the book of 150 Psalms tells a story, the story of the great King, from David to Jesus. The story is also the story of Israel, from kingdom to exile and back. Along the way, we discover deep expression of the entire range of our emotions: joy, sorrow, lament, thanksgiving, doubt, fear, and ultimately worship. Join us this semester as we seek to discover our place in the story.
Did you know that the book of Psalms is not just a random collection of poetry? There is order and intentional thought in the structure of the Psalms. Furthermore, the book of 150 Psalms tells a story, the story of the great King, from David to Jesus. The story is also the story of Israel, from kingdom to exile and back. Along the way, we discover deep expression of the entire range of our emotions: joy, sorrow, lament, thanksgiving, doubt, fear, and ultimately worship. Join us this semester as we seek to discover our place in the story.
Minor Prophets
Teacher: Carol Huebner / Ministry Focus: Women
Ladies, join us on Sunday mornings as we dive into God’s word. We will be studying the book of Jeremiah.
Ladies, join us on Sunday mornings as we dive into God’s word. We will be studying the book of Jeremiah.
International Bible Hour Class
Teacher: Leon Brown / Ministry Focus: Internationals
We are focusing on Paul’s Letters to the Galatians.
We are focusing on Paul’s Letters to the Galatians.
Grace 101: Pre-Membership Class
Teacher: Clint Antholz
Grace 101 doubles as a membership prerequisite and “get-to-know Grace Baptist Church” class. We are offering a condensed version this FALL on October 27th from 12:15pm to 3:00pm. Lunch will be provided.
Grace 101 doubles as a membership prerequisite and “get-to-know Grace Baptist Church” class. We are offering a condensed version this FALL on October 27th from 12:15pm to 3:00pm. Lunch will be provided.